4 Week Painting Series
Week 1- Free Art Zone- Do whatever the heck you want to do! Students will be supplied with a multitude of arts and crafts supplies, then left to their own imagination to create masterpieces!
Week 2- Process painting- hands and fingers. The first class starts back at the beginning- in finger painting! Hands and fingers are the only painting tools allowed, prepare to get messy!
Week 3- Process painting- pulled string. The featured method in this class is simple and soothing, yet interesting to the eyes! Students dip lengths of string into cups of paint before dragging them across surfaces to create flowing designs.
Week 4- Process painting- scraper. Only primary paint colors will be dripped onto and scraped across paper with pieces of cardboard to spread or mix.
Cost $40.00
Classes are non-refundable unless the teacher cancels.